No data found for app name: {"status":"error","error":true,"message":"UPDATE app_data \nSET \n app_name = '',\n total_downloads = '',\n app_title = '',\n app_description = '',\n app_icon = '\/wp-content\/uploads\/\/',\n app_bss = '\/wp-content\/uploads\/\/',\n app_db = '\/wp-content\/uploads\/\/',\n app_keywords = '',\n apk_file = '',\n app_cat = '',\n copy_cnt = '',\n app_link = '',\n min_width = '',\n min_rech = '',\n btn_top_m = ''\nWHERE \n id = ;You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 19"}